Game Tips: 2048 Evolved

Game Tips: 2048 Evolved
What exactly is 2048?
I’ll be honest, I was showing off, showing 2048 Evolved to my nephew. He caught on really quick. “You just swipe and combine the numbers…”

But I realized that some people might not be familiar with the 2048 genre or how the game works.

I’ve actually had a couple people ask, “Whats the point? Like, what do you do? How do you win?”

Well, here goes.

The 2048 style game is a casual, puzzle type of game.

Ideally, the casual genre has almost infinite replay value.
And puzzles require a little thought (optional).

You do indeed just casually swipe. Up, Down, Left, or Right.
When you swipe, all of the tiles in each row or column will move as far as they can in that direction. As they move, they will combine with any like tiles they bump into.
2 + 2 = 4
4 + 4 = 8
and so on.

If you happen to have 3 in a row, only the first two will combine.
2 , 2 , 2 -> moved to the right would become 2 , 4 up against the right side.

A single new tile will spawn randomly in one of the empty spaces after a move is finished. Most of the time you get a 2, about 10% of the time you’ll see a 4.

It’s pretty easy at first when the field isn’t full of tiles.

The puzzle part comes into play when you get the higher tiles.
For example, lets say you just got a 2048, so you’ll need another 2048 to get the win (4096). But that 2048 is going to be in the way, sliding around with the other tiles, but not having a partner yet. Same thing with the 1024 you’ll need to get a 2nd 2048. And the 512 and 256 and 128 etc.

The most complicated play will be when you’re shooting for that 2nd 2048. You’d have a 2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4. That’s at least 10 tiles taking up space and getting in the way as you move them around. Just when you think you have it, each time you swipe, if any tile was moved or combined successfully, a new 2 or 4 will appear.

And that’s how a 2048 game works and why it can get so tricky at the end.

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Thanks for playing!
The Apptitood Dev Team

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